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“I see the everyday annecdote as beeing the key of what i do. Collecting people’s everyday stories and experiences and transforming them into my own curiosity of wanting to understand
– is key in my craft as an actor.”

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Casper Crump

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It wasen’t untill I quit listening to other peoples suggestions of what the next smart move would be, that things started to happen. My criteria is that if I can contribute to great material involving great colleagues I will do it, no matter the scope of the project.

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After almost 5 year’s away from stage acting and moving to India from Denmark, I decided to take on a huge challenge. I was offered the iconic part of Shakespeare’s Richard III, and I accepted. Portraying this role at the legendary “Hamlets” castle of kronborg in my home country – turned out to be the most important stage performance I have ever done. It was received by standing ovations and 5-star reviews across the board.

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Oscar-winning short feature “Helium” was the first film I booked without any casting process. Co-producer Tivi Magnuson called me and said. I have followed your work both on stage and screen and I have a part that is right for you. One year later we won an accadamy award for best shortfilm.

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THE LEGEND OF TARZAN was my first Big screen blockbuster and a massive experience. My role as the main villains right hand – started as a three line appearance – but ended up being a more important part of the univers. Working along side the talented Christoph Waltz was some of the best lessons I didint know i needed.

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I was not the first pick for this part. A colleague had to jump from contract and pointed to me to take over. I did. This theatre production turned out to be an important step out of the many prettyboy parts i had cast as earlyer. Partraying characters spanding from young kids, to English colonial women, to Singaporian transvestites and pornstars.

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DC’s LEGENDS OF TOMORROW is my biggest international TV appearance to date. Portraying the iconic imortal villian “Vandal Savage” for the whole 1st. season. It was my big meeting with the international televeion industry and eyeopener to a whole new univers of devoted comicfans. These fans was by far the key foundation of my success in the show.

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